AZ-220 Microsoft Azure IoT Developer exam tips

Update: the AZ-220 Pluralsight path is live! Check it out here.

I took and passed the AZ-220 Microsoft Azure IoT Developer exam yesterday, and want to share some helpful pointers for anyone planning to do the same.

Where to start

Mind you that this is not a study guide. There are already good ones available, like the following. So start there:

To read about how I tackle a (Microsoft) exam in general, see my post How I prepared for the Azure Solutions Architect exams.

My exam had 55 questions, including 5 or 6 case studies. There were no labs.

Study material

At the time of taking the exam, I had been working with Azure (and IoT Hub in particular) for about 4 years, and that helped me in a great way. In my opinion, this exam is not for those without practical experience.

In addition, I used the study guides mentioned above, and the great content (learning modules) available at Microsoft Learning. I found some other modules that weren’t listed there, but certainly helped:

For each exam, I also try to find online courses about any of the subjects in the exam outline. The best courses in my opinion are those at Pluralsight, but I’m a Pluralsight author so I might be a little biased 🙂

Important subjects

Here are some subjects that aren’t (fully) covered in the study guides and learning modules, but that you should definitely know about:

Thanks for reading and good luck!

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